physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, education, engineering

The 1st International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS 2016)

The International Conference on Science and Applied Science (ICSAS) 2016 conference is aimed to bring together scholars, leading researchers and experts from diverse backgrounds and applications areas in Science. Special emphasis is placed on promoting interaction between the science theoretical, experimental, and Education Sciences, engineering so that a high level exchange in new and emerging areas within Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, all areas of sciences and applied mathematics and sciences is achieved.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your paper for presentation at this conference in oral. You are also possible to propose a special session in this conference.

The presented and selected manuscript of ICSAS 2016 will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing (indexed by SCOPUS). And the other will be published in International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series (IJSASCS).



  1. Physics

  2. Mathematics

  3. Chemistry

  4. Biology

  5. Educational Physics

  6. Educational Mathematics

  7. Educational Chemistry

  8. Educational Biology

  9. Materials Engineering

  10. Chemical Engineering

  11. Civil Engineering



Keynote Speakers


The Scientific Program of ICSAS 2016 will include plenary talks given by the following invited speakers:

  1. Prof.Jonathan C Petruccelli
    Computational Medical Physics, SUNY, USA

  2. Prof. Dr. Lilia Halim*
    Faculty of Education, National University of Malaysia

  3. Prof.Dra. Suparmi, M.A., Ph.D.
    Theoretical Physics, Sebelas Maret University

  4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hishamuddin Zainuddin
    Quantum Theory and Cosmology, University Putra Malaysia

  5. M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D.
    Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics, University of Indonesia


*under confirmation

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