physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, education, engineering

Track Policies

Advanced Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials are high importance nowadays in most fields such as Medicine, Chemotherapy, Drug delivery, Manufacturing processes, Paints, etc., because of their novel characteristics like increased strength, Chemical reactivity or conductivity. Artificially made nanomaterials are those which are engineered for an intention with the physio-chemical properties for a specific purpose or function. The methods of preparing nanomaterials also differ based on the purpose. Nanotechnology is highly used in detecting devices as their nanostructure with greater surface area per weight allows the electrical properties of the detecting elements to be changed easily. Nanotechnology controls matter at the atomic and molecular scale. Several applications of nanomaterials are used extensively in catalysis to boost up chemical reactions. Polymer based nanomaterials have high significance in Analytical Chemistry, separation process and research as they can amplify the sensitivity, and improve the stability of traditional materials and methods. Nanomaterials are one of the best cleaning agent for the environment. They are used in water purification processes, detect chemical and biological agents in the soil and air, desalination. Materials can be made to be stronger, lighter, more durable, more reactive, better electrical conductors using nanotechnology.

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Polymer & Composite

The recent advances in Polymer Chemistry such as the innovative Polymeric Smart materials, Application of Polymers in Medicinal field, their application in different domains of Science and Technology are to be discussed. The significant role of polymers in human life will be highlighted in this Conference and this will be a milestone in the revolution of Materials and Polymer Chemistry.Discussions related to Materials and Polymer Chemistry through variable means will definitely explore the new methods to improve the existing technologies and to  develop new applications of the polymer with an aim to make the Environment Eco-Friendly.

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Drug & Biomaterial Technology

Biomaterials Engineering are Functional bio nano materials like carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene, fullerenes, soft, polymeric nanoparticles, metal organic nano materials, self-assembled and supramolecular nanostructures, and their derivatives have distinctive physico-chemical properties like catalytic, dielectric, optical and mechanical. Applications are sensors, drug delivery, proteomics and biomolecular electronics. Especially, their biological applications have furthered elementary understanding of bio molecular systems like vesicles, viruses and cells, stimulated design of nano materials with biological functions. The last ones are ordinarily referred to as bioinspired nanomaterials or biomimetic.

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Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Materials

Advanced Materials for Energy for alternative energy sources, need to make new discoveries for catalysts to convert feedstock’s into fuels, new architectures for better solar cells DSSC’s and materials for advanced energy storage, including lithium batteries. New high-tech materials are key to breakthroughs in biology, the environment, nuclear energy, transportation and national security. Energy Materials is making revolutionary advances in the science of materials discovery and synthesis.

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Green Energy Materials

Green Energy Materials aims to provide a platform for knowledge sharing as well as creating favorable atmosphere for collaboration initiations in the field of Green Energy Materials including Synthesis, Characterization, Modifications/functionalization and applications of Green Energy materials as well as Materials for energy saving and sustainability.

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Batteries and Energy Storage materials

Batteries and Energy Storage materials are going to develop advanced energy storage technologies to aid the growth of battery manufacturing industry in Indonesia, and enable greater use of renewable energy. We are building upon our historical leadership in battery research to create a broad platform for demonstrating the development program centered on advanced energy storage materials and systems for both mobile and stationary applications.

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Graphene and 2D Energy Materials

Graphene and  2D Energy Materials aims to be a unique platform for leading scientists, researchers, scholars and engineers from academia, R&D laboratories and industry around the world to exchange, share and learn the most recent advancement on various aspects related to fabrication, characteristics and application of grapheme and 2D materials.

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Construction Materials

Develop new construction materials will be focused on materials composite, structural and mechanical properties. Develop an understanding of building materials and assemblies and their characteristics, impacts, and performance. Topics covered include building envelope performance and aesthetics, environmental systems (heating, cooling, daylighting, and acoustics), and basic principles of construction.

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Metallurgy & Alloy Materials

With the term metallurgy and alloy materials, we refer to the knowledge-guided approach for the development and compositionally sensitive design of novel metallurgical and alloy materials.

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Separation Materials

Materials in separations technologies: (1) Structural Members : Structural members perform containment and flow functions on the macro level. Developing new materials for structural members with greater corrosion, erosion and wear resistance, and other enhanced properties will provide operational energy savings in terms of longer equipment lifetimes, fewer shutdowns, and novel equipment designs that conserve energy. However such structural improvements will result in limited energy reduction of the separation process. (2) Separation Agents : Separation agents perform on the micro or molecular level interacting chemically and physically with the components requiring separation. technologies. Development of new and advanced materials separating agents for high-energy separation technologies.

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Materials Chemistry and Physics

The scope of materials chemistry and physics were interest in doing research with functional materials. Based on the chemical and physical knowledge of this paralel class will be comprehensive understanding of the relations between composition and structure of the materials on the one hand and their chemical and physical characteristics on the other hand Also this paralel session class will take up responsible positions in research and development in industry or research institutes.

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Functional Materials

Functional Materials play an ever increasing role in our modern society. They form the basis for a wide range of technologies. Computation, communication, storage and displaying of information would not work without them, making them essential for the entire IT sector. The same is true for the generation of and the storage of energy, for mobility and for sensing. Functional Materials encompasses all materials types including inorganic, organic, hybrid and nano materials, soft matter and interfaces with specific functions such as:

Adaptive materials which are used in technologies such as sensors, actuators, memories and energy harvesters; these materials show a large response to small stimuli. Modelling and advanced characterisation enables us to optimise their performance and enhance their capabilities.

Electronic materials which encompass semiconductors, dielectrics, ferroelectrics, half metals and superconductors. Warwick research includes epitaxal growth of a range of electronic materials; fabrication of devices from the materials and demonstration of their functionality for applications in healthcare, the low-carbon economy and information processing.

Magnetic materials which are used in the creation and distribution of electricity. They are used for the storage of data, used in body scanners as well as a range of applications where they are attached to or implanted into the body. The need for efficient generation and use of electricity is dependent on improved magnetic materials and designs. Warwick has expertise in spintronics, superconductivity and molecular magnets.

Optical materials which are used in the construction of lenses, mirrors, windows, prisms, polarizers, detectors, and modulators. These materials serve to refract, reflect, transmit, disperse.

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Other Track

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