physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, education, engineering


Conference Locations

  • Solo Paragon

    • Red Shappire
    • Blue Shappire
    • Ballroom
    • Emerald 1
    • Emerald 2

Conference Schedule


09:45 AM - 10:30 AM

  • Plenary 1

    Speaker: Prof. Dato' Dr. Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis

    Direktur of Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

    “Controlled growth of silicon nanowires synthesized via solid–liquid–solid mechanism”

    Chairperson:  Ahmad Marzuki, Ph.D

    (Emerald Grand Ballroom)

10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

  • Plenary 2

    Speaker: Prof. Chennupati Jagadish AC

    Australian National University (ANU) Convenor, Australian Nanotechnology Network

    “Nanostructure: Processing, Properties and Applications”

    Chairperson:  Ahmad Marzuki, Ph.D

    (Emerald Grand Ballroom)

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Plenary 3

    Speaker: Prof. Ari Handono Ramelan, M.Sc(Hons), Ph.D

    Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

    "Nano ZnO and their composites as smart material devices"

    Chairperson:  Ahmad Marzuki, Ph.D

    (Emerald Grand Ballroom)

01:00 PM - 04:45 PM


08:45 AM - 09:05 AM

  • Poster Presentation & Voting Session

    (Emerald Grand Ballroom)

10:05 AM - 10:50 AM

  • Plenary 4

    Speaker: Prof. Santiago Gomez Ruiz

    Rey Juan Carlos University, Móstoles (Madrid). Spain

    “Design, synthesis and characterization of doped-titanium oxide nanomaterials for environmental and angiogenic applications”

    Chairperson: Dr.rer.nat Witri Wahyu Lestari, M.Sc

    (Emerald Grand Ballroom)

  • Plenary 5

    Speaker: Prof. Ko Tzu Hsiang

    LHU Lung Hwa University (LHU), Taiwan

    “ ”

    Chairperson: Dr.rer.nat Witri Wahyu Lestari, M.Sc

    (Emerald Grand Ballroom)